Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Christmas Eve we went to church for a family service. I was not sure how that would go seeing Copeland hasn't spent time with us in service since he was only a few months old. But seeing as it was a family service I figured they were expecting little people to carry on as usual. He did pretty good thanks to the animal crackers dad had packed!!! We made it all the way to the last 5 minutes and then I had to walk him out to the main hallway to run. It was wonderful to spend time with him that night at church as a family. We had fun singing Christmas carols and listening to the Christmas story. This night was also a nice time spent with my family (mom, dad, Cooper, mamaw, papaw, and Aunt Diane). We celebrate together every year on the 24th and we had a blast this year. Copeland was very exctied about unwrapping presents this year and he was on the go tearing into any gift he could get his hands on. Next year we will not even worry about putting things in bags for him. If it's not wrapped then he didn't want it.
Christmas morning we were up at 5 in our house. Not because Copeland was mindful that Santa had come, but because it was time for a milk cup and diaper change. Not very thrilled by all the new toys until after a little bit to eat and drink. This year Copeland was spoiled by Santa and all that he left. Santa even made it to Gammie and G's house to leave a really cool kitchen. Now Copeland walks around the house feeding us pretend food and saying he's a good cook. Another awesome thing Santa brought was a new wagon. It was a hit and all morning long he would sit in his wagon and watch disney.
Since the 25th we have spent time playing with all the new toys and I finally got all the Christmas decorations packed up. Before I would have left them out and enjoyed them a little longer, but at this point there are so many other things laying around the house it was kind of nice for some room. We hope that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas too!!!!
Tonight is our traditional chinese dinner and maybe I'll be able to watch the peach drop this year.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pumpkins, and Apples, and Goats, OH MY!

Afterwards we set up a picnic lunch on the lawn outside of the farm. I've always seen people do this and just could never rememeber to bring lunch when we came. This was Copeland's first picnic and I do believe he thoroughly enjoyed himself. He was more interested in what everyone else was eating, which was the same as what he had on his plate, but that didn't matter. I think what he liked most about the picnic was that he didn't have to sit in his highchair. That by the way is something we are having an issue with now. He will sit and eat for a little while, but he is such a busy little guy he wants to get going quickly. Hmmm. Maybe that's why we can only eat at fast food resturants every so often and not a rea place.
Here is Aunt Cooper chasing Copeland before lunch!
Hey what does she have there?

I love my Aunt Cooper! Muah here's a kiss for you!
After lunch we were off to the Apple Orchards in Elijay. I have never picked apples before so that was a fun experience. Copeland was so tired from the earlier activities that I wasn't sure if he was going to make it through this one. He had a blast and even got to go to the petting zoo.
Would rather pick sticks than apples.

Picking out first apple.
Adam really wanted the apple from the top of the tree.
Copeland walking in between the apple trees at the orchard.
A rare picture of the entire family.
This boy loves his apples! I had never given him a whole apple to chew on before, but he finished every last bite before he fell asleep!
Being loved on my some of his goat friends at the petting zoo.
Here is a video of Copeland loving on one of the sheep from the petting zoo. It was too cute!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Burt's Pumpkin Patch
Now... 10-4-08

Here is a video from the hayride
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Doing good!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
What A Scare!
Friday, September 19, 2008
Same old Same old!
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Friday, August 29, 2008
1 year photos

Monday, August 11, 2008
Boogie's 1st Birthday!

Friday, August 8, 2008
The day before!
Friday, August 1, 2008
Fun Day With Mommy!

Last but not least it was lunch time. We hopped in the car and drove over to Gusben's for some chicken fingers and fries. Yummy! I must say it was very quite in the restaurant and I was a little afraid that my little man would make too much noise. He did very well and there was not one scream the whole lunch time. I told him he was a wonderful lunch date!
Now we are home and just hanging out until dinner with the family tonight! What a nice Friday!