Saturday, October 25, 2008

Pumpkins, and Apples, and Goats, OH MY!

Here we are again at Burt's Pumpkin farm. Much cooler than the first weekend we went and way more people to manuvor around. I put Copeland in the wheelbarrow when we first got there and he loved it. This way I wouldn't have to chase him around all the other people. Infact he loved it so much he was very upset with mommy when she took him out to go pick a pumpkin for Gammie and G's house. Then Gammie showed him how to put the pumpkin in the wheelbarrow and it was much better! We had a great time looking at all the pumpkins and our little pumpkin himself picked out the couple that we brought home. We even got one of those pumpkins with the warts all over them. I think those are pretty neat looking.
Copeland with G, Gammie, and Aunt Cooper

Afterwards we set up a picnic lunch on the lawn outside of the farm. I've always seen people do this and just could never rememeber to bring lunch when we came. This was Copeland's first picnic and I do believe he thoroughly enjoyed himself. He was more interested in what everyone else was eating, which was the same as what he had on his plate, but that didn't matter. I think what he liked most about the picnic was that he didn't have to sit in his highchair. That by the way is something we are having an issue with now. He will sit and eat for a little while, but he is such a busy little guy he wants to get going quickly. Hmmm. Maybe that's why we can only eat at fast food resturants every so often and not a rea place.

Here is Aunt Cooper chasing Copeland before lunch!

Hey what does she have there?

I love my Aunt Cooper! Muah here's a kiss for you!

After lunch we were off to the Apple Orchards in Elijay. I have never picked apples before so that was a fun experience. Copeland was so tired from the earlier activities that I wasn't sure if he was going to make it through this one. He had a blast and even got to go to the petting zoo.

Would rather pick sticks than apples.

Picking out first apple.

Adam really wanted the apple from the top of the tree.Copeland walking in between the apple trees at the orchard.A rare picture of the entire family.This boy loves his apples! I had never given him a whole apple to chew on before, but he finished every last bite before he fell asleep!Being loved on my some of his goat friends at the petting zoo.Here is a video of Copeland loving on one of the sheep from the petting zoo. It was too cute!

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