Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Well December has come and gone so quickly this year. It was filled with fun and laughter at our house and we enjoyed all the festivities that came with the month. On the fourth we celebrated my birthday with our traditional Santa picture and eating somewhere around the mall. Last year when we took Copeland to see Santa he was asleep by the time we made it to see him. This year he did not have a nap all day long and was not feeling the Christmas spirit. He is on the go all the time now and does not want to stop. Needless to say he was not happy when mommy gave him to Santa to hold. We have a lovely picture of Santa and Copeland. Copeland has a raisin box in his hand and a mouthful of raisins that you can see as he is crying. Daddy ended up taking Copeland to see the doctor the following Monday and we found out he had an ear infection and bad conjestion. A couple weeks later Copeland made another visit to see Santa with his cousin Melody while mommy was at work, and Copeland has a grin from ear to ear.

Christmas Eve we went to church for a family service. I was not sure how that would go seeing Copeland hasn't spent time with us in service since he was only a few months old. But seeing as it was a family service I figured they were expecting little people to carry on as usual. He did pretty good thanks to the animal crackers dad had packed!!! We made it all the way to the last 5 minutes and then I had to walk him out to the main hallway to run. It was wonderful to spend time with him that night at church as a family. We had fun singing Christmas carols and listening to the Christmas story. This night was also a nice time spent with my family (mom, dad, Cooper, mamaw, papaw, and Aunt Diane). We celebrate together every year on the 24th and we had a blast this year. Copeland was very exctied about unwrapping presents this year and he was on the go tearing into any gift he could get his hands on. Next year we will not even worry about putting things in bags for him. If it's not wrapped then he didn't want it.

Christmas morning we were up at 5 in our house. Not because Copeland was mindful that Santa had come, but because it was time for a milk cup and diaper change. Not very thrilled by all the new toys until after a little bit to eat and drink. This year Copeland was spoiled by Santa and all that he left. Santa even made it to Gammie and G's house to leave a really cool kitchen. Now Copeland walks around the house feeding us pretend food and saying he's a good cook. Another awesome thing Santa brought was a new wagon. It was a hit and all morning long he would sit in his wagon and watch disney.

Since the 25th we have spent time playing with all the new toys and I finally got all the Christmas decorations packed up. Before I would have left them out and enjoyed them a little longer, but at this point there are so many other things laying around the house it was kind of nice for some room. We hope that you and your family had a wonderful Christmas too!!!!

Tonight is our traditional chinese dinner and maybe I'll be able to watch the peach drop this year.

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